Husbands by Mo Fanning – Blog Tour Review

Title: Husbands

Author: Mo Fanning

Genre: Romcom/Suspense

Publisher: Spring Street Books

Publication Date: 6th June 2024

Rating: 4/5


Book Summary:

In Hollywood, every pavement star tells a story. Not all of them shine. 

Wannabe actor Kyle Macdonald is down on his luck. Working as a supply teacher in an inner-city Birmingham school, he’s single again at 28, and sleeping in his childhood bedroom beneath a ‘Hard Candy’ Madonna poster.

He gets a call claiming he drunkenly married top Hollywood director Aaron Biedermeier in Vegas six years ago. Rather than panic, he sees a golden ticket to fame and the life he’s always fantasised about.

But the glamorous veneer of Los Angeles – non-stop sunshine, celebrity actors and exclusive hotel suites – starts to crack, revealing a darker, corrupt underbelly to La-La Land. Kyle digs deeper into his so-called husband’s past, unearthing disturbing allegations of abuse and underage sex parties.

With the help of Biedermeier’s fiancé, actor Noah Winters, he embarks on a cross-country race to unravel the mystery and expose the truth – finding love along the way.


It’s always quite tricky to balance genres that don’t necessarily gel together very easily, such as romcom and suspense/crime. However, Husbands manages to do it rather well, seamlessly combining quirky humour and some romance with a story concerning the darker and decidedly unglamorous side of Hollywood. I found Husbands an addictive read from beginning to end. Kyle is a relatable and entertaining character – a wannabe actor who has yet to get his big break and is currently working as a teacher. After he receives a call reminding him about the time he got drunkenly married in Vegas to a very famous Hollywood director, he flies to LA, hoping to leverage this as a way into the life he wants, and is thrown into a world of wealth, corruption and lies.

Husbands is full of twists and turns, quite a few of which took me by surprise. The characters range from mysterious and layered to duplicitous and downright horrifying. I found Kyle mostly likeable and was rooting for him to find his way through this murky industry and perhaps even find love, although I do have to say I found his naivety a little concerning at times! Overall, Husbands is an enjoyably entertaining journey with a serious undercurrent running through in its sensitive handling of the sadly seemingly prevalent exploitation and corruption that takes place within the film industry. I would recommend this is you’re looking for an original and quirky romantic thriller of sorts.


Thank you to Hannah and the publisher for my copy of the book. My review is entirely my own honest opinion.

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