Sandwich by Catherine Newman – Blog Tour Review

Title: Sandwich

Author: Catherine Newman

Genre: Fiction

Publisher: Doubleday

Publication Day: 6th June 2024

Rating: 5/5



One week in Cape Cod. The perfect family holiday. What could possibly go wrong…?

For the past two decades, Rocky has looked forward to her family’s yearly escape to Cape Cod. Their rustic beach-town rental has been the site of sweet memories, its quirky furniture and mismatched pots and pans greeted like old friends.

Now, sandwiched between her children who are adult enough to be fun but still young enough to need her, and her parents who are alive and healthy, Rocky wants to preserve this golden moment forever. This one precious week when everything is in balance; everything is in flux.

But every family has its secrets and hers is no exception.

With her body in open revolt and surprises invading her peaceful haven, the perfectly balanced seesaw of Rocky’s life is tipping towards change…


I’ve been hearing nothing but good about this book so my expectations were pretty high going in. Happily, I can confirm it is just as fabulous a read as I’d hoped, full of wit, warmth, intelligence and humour. Sandwich is not full of nonstop action, it is a snapshot of a family at a particular time – their annual family holiday in Cape Cod – and is about their relationships and family dynamics. The story is narrated by matriarch ‘Rocky’ and whilst I am not at the same stage in my life as her, I still found her incredibly relatable nonetheless which is testament to what a well crafted character she is. Sandwich is so perfectly pitched in general actually, focusing on what makes people care for each other and how families develop and evolve as they grow.

I loved this book. It is funny, quirky, sad, emotional and brilliantly insightful on the human condition, and particularly being a woman moving through life in a world that doesn’t always make it easy. I found myself completely engaged with these characters who feel so real and genuine despite the relatively short length of the book. Incidentally – the prose is also wonderfully evocative when describing food – I kept finding myself craving the meals being discussed! From beginning to end, Sandwich is beautifully written and full of poignant and truly authentic feeling that has me still ruminating on it long after finishing. Highly recommended.


Thank you so much to Anne Cater of Random Things Blog Tours for inviting me on this tour and organising it. I kindly received a copy of the book from the publisher. My review is entirely my own honest opinion.

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